The Coarse Course of YHWH
KJV Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust
of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath (neshammah) of
life; and man became a living soul.
‘Spiritual’ believers of all persuasion, religions and doctrines have
disputed for centuries over the accurate understanding of mankind (‘adam’),
and how to properly describe man. Is man (‘adam’) a spiritual being, having
a physical experience? Or is ‘adam’ a three-part being, expressed as body,
soul and spirit? Or is ‘adam’ a soul, living in a physical body, and
possessing a spirit? Everyone that has an ‘expert’ opinion or position on
this subject can be relied upon to provide a litany of favorite verses, or
historical documents, or writings from antiquity to prove their own
hypothesis. And I suppose that is the way it should be. However, very few
ever sway an opposing ‘expert’ to succumb to their own ‘theology’. People
tend to believe what they want to believe.
Most of the ‘expert’ opinions exposited by believers is based on some
writings or documents in which the believer has gained confidence and/or
trust. This writer is no different. However, most who confide in written
historical information do so by taking the writings literally, and attempt
to make a literal story line support or endorse their own ‘spiritual’
viewpoint. And therein lays the dilemma. None of us that exposit
‘spiritual’ expertise can confess having been involved personally in the
literal written histories in which we trust. None of us! And that now
brings me back to Gen. 2:7.
“And YHWH Elohim…breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…” All Hebrew
words should be thoroughly investigated and understood before trusting any
description of what that word is revealing. This is true of all Hebrew
words, but especially so of the words we translate into English as ‘life’
and ‘death’. We don’t intend to expound on the ‘death’ component in this
writing, but if ‘life’ has been misunderstood, then most likely ‘death’ has
also been misunderstood.
The Hebrew word translated most often as ‘life’ is ‘hkhai’, and pronounced
as ‘hkhigh’, almost identically to the pronunciation of the English ‘high’.
However, the first letter of this word ‘hkhai’ is the eighth letter in the
Hebrew alphabet, pronounced as ‘hkheyt’. We have discussed this letter
previously in this writing. ‘Hkheyt’ is a guttural letter, and like most
gutturals, the pronunciation of this eighth letter has been lazily dropped
from Western tongues, and most often replaced with the softer ‘h’ sound.
The problem caused by the mispronunciation of this guttural, as also with
all gutturals, is that religion has consequently lost the important
differences that these individual letters are communicating, and therefore
has lost much of the significant nuances that the different Hebrew letters
provide in a given word. This is nowhere more important than in the
handling and understanding of the word we translate as ‘life’.
‘Hkhai’ (Strong’s #2416) is a two letter word, which is derived from the
three letter root verb ‘hkhah-yah’ (Strong’s#2421). There are many
derivations of this three-letter root verb, but the more common expression
of the word is from the two letter word ‘hkhai’. The usage of this word
becomes more understandable when the reader realizes that this word, in all
of its forms, is simply describing biology. This word ‘hkhai’ is used to
refer to human biology, animal biology, insect biology and even plant
biology. Biology is simply the process of maintaining and sustaining a
physical existence via the ‘life’ processes that all biological life
exhibits to sustain their being, and to reproduce and pro-create their
species. All ‘life’ forms, regardless of the individual genus or species,
must be able to do this. Otherwise, it could not be considered biological
The opening chapter of The Book is the very introduction to the concept of
imparting the Spirit of Truth in Love into the presence of the biological
life form referred to as ‘adam’. ‘Adam’ was the ‘chosen vessel’ of
biological life into which could be imparted Spirit Life. And yet ‘adam’,
when devoid of the active presence of Spirit Life, is no more than just
biology. Of all of the life forms discussed and described throughout the
scripture, ‘adam’ is recognized as the most developed and capable
manifestation of ‘hkhai’. ‘Adam’, as the most capable expression of
creation, has the potential to perpetrate the most good or evil, chaos or
order, destruction or benevolence. No other life form expressed as ‘hkhai’
is instructed to “…choose you this day whom you will serve;” [Deut. 30:19,
Joshua 24:15] And even with ‘adam’, when there is no evidence of Spirit
Presence recognized, ‘adam’ also is referred to as simply ‘hkhai’;
biological. Without the Presence of the Spirit of Truth in Love, ‘adam’ is
just another beast of the field.
“And the LORD God…breathed (imparted) into his nostrils (anger; carnal
passion) the breath (neshammah) of life (hkhai; carnal biology), and man
(‘adam’) existed a ‘living (hkhai) soul”. [Gen. 2:7]
The most common expression in scripture, when referring to mankind in the
basest of terminology, is to call ‘adam’ a ‘living soul’; or more simply
put, soul life. If ‘life’ is referring to the manifestation of biology,
then what does the word ‘soul’ imply? The Hebrew word translated as ‘soul’
in this verse is ‘nephesh’ (Strong’s #5315). The vast majority of the times
the word ‘nephesh’ is used it is translated as ‘soul’; but not every time.
Sometimes ‘nephesh’ is translated as ‘creature’, a few times as ‘life’, a
few more times as ‘person’, plus several other ways that can be noted.
‘Nephesh’ is sometimes referring to animal life (biology). However, the
vast majority of the times ‘nephesh’ is used it is in reference to the
biological life of ‘mankind’, or ‘adam’, when ‘adam’ is operating
independently of the influence of Spirit Truth. Man (‘adam’) operating
independently of the Spirit of Truth in Love, tends to manifest chaos,
disorder and destruction. And that is an apt description of ‘soul’.
However, the word ‘nephesh’, that which we translate as ‘soul’, implies a
much more complex potential than just perpetuating biological existence.
‘Soul’ indicates that there is a reasoning mind, and a plethora of
appetites and desires that must be managed and orchestrated in this ‘life’
we call ‘adam’. ‘Soul’ expresses a complexity of emotions and impulses, all
of which seem to demand a vehicle of expression. And wherever you find a
plethora of desires and needs demanding to be answered, you will find the
potential for disorder, chaos and confusion. And the most graphic word I
know of to describe the demanding presence of disorder, chaos and confusion
is in the single word ‘babylon’. ‘Babylon’ is the dominating influence of
Into this scenario of ‘adam’ come the words from Gen. 1:26-27: “Let us
(Elohim; God) make ‘adam’ in imaging us as the likeness of us…” This is my
paraphrase, but I trust it implicitly. This paraphrase does not contradict
the King James English, but rather puts the King James translation into a
more clarified understanding. The Hebrew language of the Old Testament
continuously describes the on-going process of infusing ‘adam’ with the
Spirit of God to empower ‘adam’ to image God. And image is an action verb,
not a benign idol. And on the authority of Yashua, God is Spirit. For
‘adam’ to become ‘Adam’, and ultimately to become Christ, ‘adam’ must put
on the Spirit of Truth in Love, and learn to conduct his affairs in
submission to the Spirit of Truth in Love. Then, and only then, can Adam
exercise rule in the lesser, more aggressive lifeforms that continuously
demand to be expressed. For Adam to be able to serve the garden in Truth
and Love, Adam must be infused with the Spirit of Truth and Love. This is
the summation of the pageant described in Genesis Chapter One. Adam must be
united with the Holy Spirit of Truth in Love. However, in Genesis Chapter
Two we are introduced to YHVH Elohim, or LORD God. Before ‘adam’ can learn
to appreciate what it means to submit to the Holy Spirit of Truth in Love,
‘adam’ must first learn what it means to utterly fail to “…image God as Our
Likeness” when not completely submitted to the authority of the Spirit of
Truth in Love. ‘Adam’ must learn what it means to fail when ‘adam’
compromises the Spirit of Truth.
YHVH Elohim, or LORD God, is the spiritual compromise within ‘adam’. All of
the clamoring voices of all of the carnal appetites within ‘adam’ demand to
be heard. When ‘adam’ is given non-negotiable instructions, ‘adam’
immediately begins to rationalize how to prevent being bound and restricted
by those instructions, or commandments. The primary mission of carnal
‘adam’ is to avoid being bound by restrictive commandments, while at the
same time being ‘not guilty’ in the breaking of those restricting
commandments. How can I, ‘adam’, not be bound by rules without being guilty
of breaking those same rules? This question is the very nature of religion,
and the fingerprints of ‘adam’. ‘Adam’ wants to do what his carnal and
soulish appetites demand, yet without being guilty of breaking rules and
commandments that declare negative consequences or retributions. This is
the very dilemma that is the playground of YHVH Elohim, or LORD God. For
the Spirit of Truth in Love allows no room for compromising Truth and Love
with carnality. Religion, however, demands an escape clause. The compromise
of religion is the reality of anti-Christ. Religion says ‘adam’ can have it
both ways. And ‘adam’ is the original religious expression of which the
only remedy is Christ. There can be no place for anti-Christ in the Spirit
of Truth and Love.
The role of LORD God is to provide compromising ‘adam’ a vehicle of rescue
that allows ‘adam’ to compromise the unwavering demands of Truth and Love.
Love, as we all know, never seeks its own. And Truth never compromises
Love. For ‘adam’, these are unachievable goals. But in Christ, all is
possible. LORD God provides ‘adam’ an escape clause of progressive remedial
pardons and a mediated judgement. LORD God is anti-christ, for
‘anti-christ’ simply means an alternative anointing. Therefore LORD God
must be supplanted by Christ. Supplanting is a recurring theme throughout
the scriptures. Abram had to be supplanted by Abraham. Sarai was to be
supplanted by Sarah. Jacob had to be supplanted by Israel. Moses was to be
supplanted by Joshua. King Saul had to be supplanted by King David. And
David would have to be supplanted by Christ. The ultimate remedy for all of
carnal and soulish mankind, therefore, is for ‘adam’ to be supplanted with
Christ. For Christ is the acknowledgement of the indwelling presence of the
Holy Spirit of Truth in Love. The biological life of ‘adam’ would have to
bow the knee, and submit in humility to the Spirit Life of Truth in Love.
YHVH would have to be supplanted with Christ.
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